by Stoneking Physical Therapy | Feb 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
Have you ever had an injury and applied heat and ice on and off to help relieve the pain? Well, there’s a good reason for that! Superficial heat and cold are probably the most commonly applied therapeutic modalities. When ice is applied, the temperature of the skin...
by Stoneking Physical Therapy | Jan 14, 2022 | Blog
Everyone could benefit from a little exercise, but did you know you could do it while watching television? We have some great suggestions to keep you active during your down time. Get off the couch to change the channel. A great way to keep you moving is by placing...
by Stoneking Physical Therapy | Dec 17, 2021 | Blog
It’s no secret that we all struggle finding the motivation to keep active when the weather gets cold. So, what do you do when it’s 30 degrees outside and warm and cozy in your own home? Here are some tips to get those legs moving! While most exercise programs have a...
by Stoneking Physical Therapy | Sep 1, 2021 | Blog
Everyone has heard the saying “no pain, no gain.” This may be true in healthy individuals when it pertains to muscle burn associated with exercise. We prefer however to say “no gain with pain.” Be sure to differentiate between pain and delayed...
by Stoneking Physical Therapy | Jul 28, 2021 | Blog
Helping patient’s understand their insurance benefits is one of the best gifts we can give. This is not only important for patients who are in-network with our office, but maybe more so for those who have less than desirable coverage situations. Our feeling is that a...