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The Best Recovery Technique: Sleep

The Best Recovery Technique: Sleep

Whenever you are exercising or rehabilitating in therapy, have you ever wondered how that other person keeps going while you are burnt out? Turns out the answer can be fairly simple: sleep. Sleep is the number one recovery technique for mind and body. Mikaela...

Connection is a “Cure”

Connection is a “Cure”

For those battling loneliness and isolation, coming to therapy and making friends with others can have a curative effect. Many is the time that patient’s establish friendships with fellow patients looking forward to their meetings in therapy. Patients have even gone...

Which Surfaces to Run or Walk on for Optimal Joint Health

Which Surfaces to Run or Walk on for Optimal Joint Health

As a physical therapy business, we at Stoneking understand the importance of maintaining good joint and knee health. Running or walking on the wrong type of surface can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on your joints and potentially cause injuries. Let’s discuss...

Be Real – How Often Are You Exercising?

Be Real – How Often Are You Exercising?

Is exercise really that important? According to the World Health Organization (WHO physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of death and it is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and cancers (which are also two of the leading causes of death!) So yeah, time...

Do You Need a Referral For Physical Therapy in New Jersey?

Do You Need a Referral For Physical Therapy in New Jersey?

Physical Therapy is healthcare's best kept secret. The secret being that for musculoskeletal conditions, physical therapy eliminates costly physician visits, imaging costs, pain medications, and decreases surgeries and lost productivity from work and personal life....

Pain is Not the Ultimate Enemy

Pain is Not the Ultimate Enemy

Americans are probably the most pain-conscious people on the face of the earth. For years it has been hammered into our brains, in print, on the radio, over television, and in everyday conversation, that any hint of pain is to be banished as though it were the...

Meet Rick Lazarick

Meet Rick Lazarick

Rick Lazarick is a former patient and current gym member of the Stoneking Physical Therapy and Wellness Center. Each week Rick supplies our front desk with beautiful flowers (dahlias, gladiolas, etc.) from his garden. He is a master gardener, a member of the West...

Stop the Clot

Stop the Clot

Estimates are about 900,000 people a year develop serious blood clots and of those, about 100,000 people die from them. On average, that's one person dying from a clot every six minutes.  Blood clots most often occur in the legs, but can occur in the arms as well. If...

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle through the hottest months of the year, and the best way to do that is by staying hydrated. Drinking water throughout the day feels like something everyone should know about and do, however, most people don’t...

Music Heals Too

Music Heals Too

A Note from Rich Stoneking: Music Heals Too Music has a way of worming into our brains, whether it’s a jingle you can’t forget or songs that really resound. Many of us know exactly which insurance company is “on your side”. I for one will never forget the theme song...

Preparation for Gardening: The Warm-Up

Preparation for Gardening: The Warm-Up

You wouldn’t play basketball or softball without warming up, so why would you garden without warming up. Gardening is a very physical activity requiring use of the entire body. Proper preparation is a key element in injury prevention. Spend 10 minutes doing a warm up....