Reluctant Customers

Reluctant Customers

Think back to the last time your water heater broke, or you had to replace a major appliance. I bet you were not thrilled to spend the money or be inconvenienced by the time it took away from your busy schedule. I am certain people seeking physical therapy services...
Decline to Decline

Decline to Decline

The other day I was in the greeting card store to purchase a birthday card., and was struck by our society’s view of getting older. Practically every birthday after the 18th was a card with the same corny jokes about your failing memory and sagging body. At the time I...
Home Exercise Programs for PT

Home Exercise Programs for PT

Your home exercise program has been developed to provide you with the best possible independent exercise program to achieve your goals or maintain improvements obtained during your treatment. It is important that you perform the exercises prescribed by your therapist...